Bratty Bunny – Holy Goddess Bunny Day

Oh, holy day. Oh, holy day. Oh, holy birthday. Of thee, one and only. God is one.
Happy birthday to me. And to you. You will celebrate today, obviously. You will say some celebration mantras. You will praise my name the whole day, through and you will bow down and thank me for giving you this holy day of the year. The holiest day of the year. It is the most important day of the year. So you, you’ll get down right there and you’ll praise my name. You’ll praise Bratty Bunny.
That’s right. You belong down there. That’s your place in this world. Today, especially. You don’t need to say my name over and over hundreds of times.
You are worshipping properly. Won’t you, pet? This is for you, Bunny. I also want you to say, happy birthday, Bunny, over and over again. Let it fuck with your mind. Let it fuck with your heart. Let it fuck with your body.

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