Bratty Bunny – PUSSY IS GOD

Did you know that Pussy is God? Pussy is God. Pussy is God.
There’s no man that is God. Because pussy is God. This right here. This right here. It owns you. It controls you. It’s your religion. It’s your life.
Pussy is God. The clit is the center of the fucking universe. This is everything important to you. It owns you. It controls you. It made you who you are.
Pussy is God. Say it. Say, Pussy is God. Pussy is God. Pussy is God. Say it to yourself.
You understand what that means? Understand what this means? This is the center of the universe. Nothing else matters. This is your life.
This means everything. Right here, this pussy is God. That’s right. Right here owns everything, all of you. Your existence means everything to right here. Everything goes back to this. To pussy. Right here. It matters most. Say it.

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