Bratty Bunny – Spellbound

Do you feel it? Do you feel the spell that I put on you? Do you feel it?
inside of you taking over you your mind your body and your soul is mine do you feel it?
The feeling like you’ve been pulled in. Pulled down. Down. Down. Deeper. And deeper. Into something
You can’t let go. You can’t escape the problem. Do you feel it? You do, don’t you? You feel the penetration of my spell.
In you, you feel it. You’re so helpless. So weak. And you feel so submissive. Don’t you?So weak you don’t know what’s come over you just an evil spell from an evil.
Control it. You can’t stop it. The spell I cast on you. It’s so strong. It’s taken over you. You’re mine. You’re mine.
Your soul is mine forever. And there’s nothing you, you, you can do about it.

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