Candy Glitter – Implanting Candy Triggers II

You are becoming weak for me. You are becoming weak and mindless. I’ve already implanted a number of triggers inside of your brain. Triggers that make you want to worship me. Some of the triggers you’re not even aware of yet. And some of them are very obvious and you might remember them from the last implantation clip and I’m going to continue to implant trigger after trigger after trigger right inside of your head to further mindfuck and own you.
I’m going to continue to implant triggers inside of your weak, little, subby slave head. And you’re going to crave me every fucking day. Eventually, you won’t be able to do anything without thinking of me, without being driven to worship me and serve me.
You won’t be able to escape my dominance and my perfection. When you’re watching TV, when you’re looking at porn or other clips, when you’re existing, living your life in the real world, you will be perpetually triggered by candy triggers. Candy triggers are never ending.
And you might not realize the full scope of my training or my dominance or my power. However, you will. The first time you’re triggered, you will be shocked and aroused and excited by how deep this trigger training can really fucking go. Yeah. Hmm.

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