Crystal Knight – Masturbation Therapy-Fantasy 1 – The Beginning

Nice to meet you. I’m going to be your therapist. My name is Crystal. So, I hear you’ve been having some troubles. Some troubles that need to be cured. Of course. Well, let me check it out.
Let’s see what’s actually going on. Ooh. No wonder. Am I reading this right? I’ve solved many, many cases like this. I know just what the cure all is for your case, but It’s not going to be easy. Oh, no, no, no. Not at all. It’s a 10-step program that we do in one day. One day of therapy. So, what do you say? Are you ready? Because this is going to be one tempting, crazy, crazy day that you’re going to learn a lot from. Well, then let’s begin. We’re going to start with you getting down, down on your knees. Ah, that’s good. Look up at me.
Good boy. Because, you see, you must give in completely for my therapy to work. You must give in everything to me. Worshiping, letting me tempt you, and making your mind weak so that my fingers can dig in there and find out anything and everything that I need to know. Just stare at me. Look at perfection.
How could you not want to worship this? As I count down, I’m going to have you compliment each and every part of my body. Are you ready?

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