Goddess Lindsey – Birthday Month Expectations

It’s here, the most important month of the year. The month that I was born. The month that I was brought into this world with the purpose of just destroying men like you. Making sure that these weak beta men stay in line right where they belong.
So, as you know, this month is kind of a big deal. I mean, I want you to think where you’d be without me mentally, emotionally, spiritually. Think about what I bring into your life, all the joy I provide. And I have one thing that I want you to do all month long Can you guess what it is? Come on loser, give it a guess What do I want from you? I want you to send I want you to be buying all of my birthday tribute clips and I want you to be spending beyond your means No excuses.
My birth month should be my highest earning month all year and I make a lot of money so it’s gonna be kinda hard for you to beat that But I want you to open up your wallet and I want you to try You don’t have any other choice It’s all about me this month It’s always all about me but this month to an extreme, this month I want it all. I want everything. Max out all those cards. Make up an excuse to wifey as why you can’t go out, why you can’t spend. Maybe you’ll tell her you’re just saving a little extra hard, but really you and I know just where all that goes. Right in my heart.

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