Goddess Lindsey – Breath Play

Take it slow. Take a nice deep breath as you sink into me, as you sink into each stroke, holding your breath longer and longer. I know you’ve been working on this. I can see quite a difference. But I want you to take it one step further. I want you to carry this practice everywhere you go. I want you to be sitting at your office desk focused on this, focused on your breathing. I want you to be able to go longer, further than ever before. Come on, breathe in, hold it. Almost, not quite. Release. See, just baby steps at a time. And I’m sure that you’ll find focusing on your breathing like this, it’s gonna calm your heart rate, ease your stress. I want you to focus on more meditational practices. Putting yourself in a place to completely clear your mind. No stroking, no nothing. Just breathing. Just existing. Breathe in. Stroke. Hold it. Hold it. Faster. Breathe out and do you feel how good and relaxed you’re beginning to feel? Now imagine this practice outside of worship, the things it’ll do for your mind.

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