Goddess Lindsey – Sex is Sacred

There’s a reason you’re a virgin. There’s a reason you’re left so denied time and time again. No one wants to be intimate with you. You’ve gotten used to it. You’ve accepted that you’re just going to be a virgin for the rest of your life. That you just don’t deserve pussy.
And that’s not wrong, but there’s just a little more to it than that. The thing is, sex, it’s so much more than just putting your cock in someone until you get off. It’s sacred. It’s between two alphas, not some grimy, groveling little beta. You don’t deserve spiritual connection with another person. You are a beta on every single level, even spiritually, which leaves you denied over and over again more than anything else. You’re just not able to connect with a woman on that level.
The only thing you’re able to do is just pump your cock all by yourself. You’ve accepted that you’ll never know what pussy feels like. You’ll never make love. You will die without having sex.
That’s the way it should be. Sex isn’t for everyone and it’s definitely not for the weak. No. Do you think any woman would ever let you crawl inside of them? After you’ve lived such a pathetic life?

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