JessiBelle – Other Cocks

It must be really, really upsetting to look down and to see the smallest little cock between your legs. It’s gonna really hurt. It’s gonna make you feel a little shitty, but it’s okay. There are a lot of guys like you that have below average cocks, little tiny things. And I know it’s gotta be really frustrating and every time you look down, and every time you try to touch it, you sort of feel a little depressed because of how small it is. But just think about how big other people’s cocks are. Stop thinking about how small yours are. Just look at your little tiny dick. Don’t think about that. What about your friends? I mean, have you… Have you ever had to change in front of them? Felt a little embarrassed? You know, going to school, having to change in locker rooms, you just felt like…
You had to hide that thing because it was really small and you knew people would make fun of you. We’ve always known. It’s small, right? You had to hide it from your friends. You had to keep it a little secret. Dirty little secret. Dirty little teeny tiny secret. But you’ve got to look around, right? You’ve seen. You know what dicks look like. You know what an actual dick looks like.

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