Miss Anna – Stay my virgin

Are you still a virgin? I can only imagine how pathetic that must feel. I can only imagine how you… how you feel. How old are you?
You see, I think it’s kind of embarrassing that you’ve lived so much without fucking pussy. I think it’s embarrassing for you to even call yourself a man. Obviously you’re unable of doing the one thing that you’re supposed to do. You’re unable of procreating. You’re incapable. So what happens later?
How is it that you’re still a virgin? I strongly believe that it wasn’t your choice. I believe that you’ve been seduced by pornography until it became a habit.
An addiction the escape that you needed and you thought you’re gonna learn something from it but in the end all you got is a very very poor self-image and a bunch of fetishes there’s no need to try and deny it. No need to try and change it now. It’s a bit too late. You see, all those years of pornography, of masturbation and they didn’t only impact your self-worth and your self-image. They also gave you anxiety. Pussy anxiety. Now you wouldn’t even be able to fuck, even if you wanted to.

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